Wintermar Corporate Governance
Board of Commissioners
Jonathan Jochanan
An Indonesian citizen, he has held the position of President Commissioner of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk since 16 September 2010. Prior to the appointment, he was the President Director of Bahana Securities.
With more than 30 years of experience in investment banking, he has held various directorships in several capital market companies in Indonesia, notably PT Schroders Indonesia (1994) and PT Citicorp Securities Indonesia (1990). He completed his Bachelor of Economics degree from the Faculty of Economics at Universitas Indonesia (UI) in 1987.

Sim Idrus Munandar
An Indonesian citizen, he was born in Pontianak, Indonesia on 10 July 1954. After graduating with a Bachelor of Economics degree from Universitas Indonesia (UI) in 1981, he began his career in Price Waterhouse & Company (PWC) and served as Lecturer in STIE Jayakarta (1981 - 2014)and Universitas Tarumanagara until (1984 - 1986). From 1982 – 2006 he held the position of President Director at PT Bina Danatama Finance.
He currently serves as Independent Director at Singapore-based companies Samko Timber Limited and Kencana Agri Limited, since 2007 and 2010 respectively. From 2011 – 2015, he served as Independent Director of PT BCA Finance. He currently serves as Independent Commissioner of PT Kencana Energi Lestari Tbk since 2018. As Independent Commissioner of Wintermar, he also chairs the Company’s Audit Committee.

John Stuart Anderson Slack
An Australian citizen, he was appointed as Commissioner of the Company on 18 May 2017, after serving as the Strategy Director of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk since 2013. Prior to that he held several senior directorship positions in a variety of companies in Indonesia including Vice President Director of PT Bumi Resources Tbk (2012-2013), Business Director of The British International School (2005-2011), Director of PT Astra International Tbk (2000-2005), El Paso Energy / PT Energi Sengkang (1996-1999), CFO of Indonesia Standard Chartered Bank (1991-1994). Before that he had over 20 years of experience in Accounting and Finance in London, Sydney and Jakarta.
He held the position of President Commissioner of PT Jakarta Setiabudi Internasional Tbk (2020 - 2023) and is a Board Member of the British Chamber of Commerce in Indonesia. He is qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and holds a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering from University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology, United Kingdom.
Board of Directors

Sugiman Layanto
An Indonesian citizen, he is currently the Managing Director of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk, an appointment he has held since Sept 2010. He has more than 35 years of experience in the offshore marine industry, having run PT Wintermar as its Managing Director since 1988.
He served as Vice Chairman of the National Shipowners Association (INSA) from 2011-2015, was elected Chairman in 2019 for the period 2019 – 2023, and is currently the Head of the Supervisory Board for the period of 2023-2027. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (Engineering) majoring in Industrial Engineering and Operation Research from University of California (UC Berkeley) USA in 1988.

Nely Layanto
An Indonesian citizen, she has held the position of Director and Corporate Secretary in PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk and is responsible for Legal and Corporate Planning & Investor Relations, and oversees the General Affairs and Human Resources departments.
She has also held the position of Director of PT Wintermar since July 2010 and is currently also a member of ICSA. She graduated with a Bachelor of Law degree from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK in 1990 and is a qualified Solicitor at Law from the Law Society, UK.

Janto Lili
An Indonesian citizen, he was first appointed as the Finance Director of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk in August 2013. He has also been serving as President Director of PT Sentosa Segara Mulia Shipping since May 2013 until the present time.
Prior to joining the Company, he worked at Amir Abadi Jusuf & Aryanto where his last position was Auditor Manager (2008). He graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting) from Atmajaya University, Jakarta in 1999.

Muhamad Shanie Mubarak
An Indonesian citizen, he was appointed Director of the Company on 14 May 2019 and currently holds the positions of Chief Operating Officer and Head of Technical Division. He first joined the Company as Head of Technical Department and was General Manager of Teras Marine Indonesia (2013 -2018) before that, promoted from Technical and Operation Manager.
Previously, he was a Ship Manager in PT Meratus Line (2011- 2013), Technical Manager in PT Cosbulk Indonesia Global Shipping (2009-2011) and Chief Engineer in several foreign companies such as Doha Marine Shipping, Wallem Ship Management and Pacific Carrier Limited (2002-2009). Since November 2007 he holds Marine Engineer Officer Class I and is Master Marine Engineer from Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Pelayaran, Jakarta.
Audit Committee

Sim Idrus Munandar
An Indonesian citizen, he has held the position of Independent Commissioner of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk and also chairs the Company's Audit Committee since 19 August 2021. Prior to the appointment, in 2011 to 2015, he served as Independent Director of PT BCA Finance. Since 2018 to present, he has held the position of Independent Commissioner of PT Kencana Energi Lestari Tbk. He completed his Bachelor of Economics degree from the Faculty of Economics in University of Indonesia in 1981.

Hanafiah Alam
An Indonesian citizen, he was born on 24 February 1970. After graduating from Frankfurt University of Applied Sciences in 1995 with the title of Dipl. Betriebswirt, he began his career in PT Mitra Informatika Komputindo since 1997-1998.
He was an Investment Manager at DEG-DEUTSCHE INVESTITIONS-UND ENTWICKLUNGSGESELLSCHAFT MBH from 1999 – 2018. From 2018 – 2019, he served as Director of PT Hali Abadi Jaya. He served as Special Asset Manager at Rabo Foundation, Netherlands, from 2020 – 2023. He now holds the position of Senior Vice President at PT Fidelitas Konsultama International and Project Manager at Rabo Foundation since 2024.

Antonius Karamoy
An Indonesian citizen, he was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee of PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk on 1 December 2020. He graduated with a Bachelor of Accounting from Atma Jaya Catholic University and holds a Master of Business Administration from University of the City of Manila (Pamantasan), a Master of Management from Indonesia Institute of Business, Jakarta (currently Kwik Kian Gie School of Business) and a Master of Professional Accounting from Macquarie University, Sydney. He is also a Fellow of CPA Australia and a member of the Ikatan Akuntan Publik Indonesia (IAPI).
Currently he serves as CFO of Yayasan Tangan Pengharapan. Prior to joining the Company, he held position as CFO at Damai Putra Group (May to Nov 2018), Chief Audit Executive at PT Alam Sutera Realty Tbk (2012 – 2017), Business and Audit Supervisor Chartered Accountant Firms in Sydney, Australia (1999 – 2011), CFO at PT Putra Alvita Pratama (1995 – 1998), Finance Director at PT Modernland Realty Tbk (1992 – 1994), Finance Director at PT Honoris Industry (1988 – 1992) and Senior Auditor at Drs. Utomo & Co (Arthur Andersen)(1979 – 1985).
Corporate Secretary
Nely Layanto
An Indonesian citizen, she has held the position of Director of Corporate Secretary in PT Wintermar Offshore Marine Tbk since September 2010 and heads the Corporate Department including Legal and Compliance. She has also held the position of Director of PT Wintermar since July 2010. She graduated with a Bachelor of Law degree from Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London, UK in 1990 and is a qualified Solicitor at Law from the Law Society, UK.
She was re-appointed by the Resolution of Board of Directors of the Company No. 1500/A.20/V/2020/WINS.084 dated 28 May 2020 for a tenure of 5 years. She is currently a member of Indonesian Corporate Secretary Association (ICSA), a member of Corporate Secretaries International Association.
Code of Conduct
Founded on the Company's Core value of Integrity, the Code of Conduct establishes rules and requirements for acceptable principles in business practices, communities, and the corporate environment. Setting expectations and standards for doing the right thing, the Code serves to guide how every individual employee can make ethical business decisions.
The Code includes sections on Commitment to People, Commitment to the Planet and Commitment to Ethical Business Conduct. It provides guidance for employees on handling Gifts and Entertainment, Disclosure of Interests, Standards for confidentiality and Company expectations for all personnel to Speak Up to foster a culture of open communication, accountability and transparency. It also sets out expectations for Business Partners.

Whistleblowing Protection Procedure
This procedure safeguards the identity and confidentiality of individuals reporting breaches of this Code of Conduct or illegal practices through integrity@wintermar.com or ayolapor@wintermar.com.
All reports are thoroughly investigated, and necessary actions are taken. Reported evidence is treated with the utmost confidentiality, and the source is kept confidential unless disclosure is required by relevant authorities.
External stakeholders may also use this as a secure way to report breaches in the Code of Conduct.
To report an issue, please send an email to the below address.

General Meeting of Shareholders
Capital Market Institutions & Supporting Professionals

Aryanto, Amir Jusuf, Mawar & Rekan
Plaza Asia Lantai 10
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 59, Jakarta 12190
Tel. : +6221 51401340
Fax. : +6221 52401350

PT Datindo Entrycom
Jl. Hayam Wuruk No. 28
Jakarta 10120
Tel. : +6221 3508077
Fax. : +6221 3508078
Information Disclosure
Corporate Governance Manuals